

namespace Tlf;

class BigDb {

    static public function mysql(string $user, string $password, string $db, $host='localhost'): BigDb {
        $pdo = new \PDO("mysql:dbname={$db};host={$host}", $user, $password);
        $pdo->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
        $bdb = new static($pdo);
        return $bdb;

    static public function mysql_pdo(string $user, string $password, string $db, $host='localhost'): \PDO {
        $pdo = new \PDO("mysql:dbname={$db};host={$host}", $user, $password);
        $pdo->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
        return $pdo;

     * @param $file_path path to a json file with configs: user, password, database, host
     * @param $prefix for the keys that, such as `'mysql.'`
    static public function from_config(string $file_path, string $prefix=''){

        $config_data = json_decode(file_get_contents($file_path), true);
        if ($prefix == '')$config = $config_data;
        else {
            $config = [];
            $len = strlen($prefix);
            foreach ($config_data as $key=>$value){
                if (substr($key, 0, $len) !== $prefix)continue;
                $config[substr($key,$len)] = $value;

        $bdb = static::mysql($config['user'],$config['password'],$config['database'],$config['host']??'localhost');
        return $bdb;

    protected \PDO $pdo;
    public \Tlf\LilDb $ldb;
    protected \Tlf\BigDb\AccessLayer $access_layer;

     * Query strings
    protected array $queries = [];
     * Namespaces to load ORM objects from
    protected array $namespaces = [];

    public function __construct(\PDO $pdo){
        $this->pdo = $pdo;
        $this->ldb = new \Tlf\LilDb($pdo);

    public function addOrmNamespace(string $namespace){
        $this->namespaces[] = $namespace;
    public function setAccessLayer(\Tlf\BigDb\AccessLayer $access_layer){
        $this->access_layer = $access_layer;

     * Get the query string for a given key.
    public function get_query(string $key){
        return $this->queries[$key];

     * Simply returns `$this->pdo`, which is used for all queries
    public function get_pdo(): \PDO {
        return $this->pdo;

     * @param $class_name class name without namespace
     * @return fully qualified class name
    public function get_orm_class(?string $class_name): string{
        if ($class_name==null)return 'Tlf\\BigOrm';
        if (class_exists($class_name,true))return $class_name;
        $class = null;
        foreach ($this->namespaces as $ns){
            $class = $ns.'\\'.$class_name;
            if (!class_exists($class,true))$class = null;

        if ($class == null)$class = 'Tlf\\BigOrm';
        return $class;

    public function new(string $table, array $initial_values = [], ?string $class_name = null){
        $class = $this->get_orm_class($class_name ?? $table);
        $obj = new $class($this, $initial_values);
        return $obj;

     * Run a query, fetch all rows (as classes) & return them
     * @param $query sql
     * @param $bind_columns array of key/value pairs to bind to the query
     * @param $class_name a class name without namespace (see `addOrmNamespace()`)
     * @return array of BigOrm instances
    public function query(string $query, array $bind_columns, ?string $class_name=null): array{
        $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($query);

        $class = $this->get_orm_class($class_name);
        $items = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS, $class, [$this]);
        return $items;

     * @param $query_key the key that points to the stored query
     * @param $class_name the class name (without namespace)
    public function load(string $query_key, ?string $class_name = null): array {
        $query = $this->queries[$query_key];
        return $this->query($query, [], $class_name);

    public function from_id(string $table, int $id, ?string $class_name = null): ?BigOrm {
        if ($class_name==null)$class_name = $table;
        $class = $this->get_orm_class($class_name);
        // $this->query("SELECT * FROM `$table` WHERE `id` = :id", ['id'=>$id], 'article')
        $items = $this->query("SELECT * FROM `$table` WHERE `id` = :id ", ['id'=>$id], 'Article');
        $item = $items[0] ?? null;
        return $item;

     * @param $query_params array of values to `=`
    public function one(string $table, array $query_params, ?string $class_name = null): ?BigOrm {
        if ($class_name==null)$class_name = $table;
        $class = $this->get_orm_class($class_name);
        // $this->query("SELECT * FROM `$table` WHERE `id` = :id", ['id'=>$id], 'article')
        $items = $this->ldb->select($table, $query_params);
        if (count($items)==0)return null;
        return new $class($this, $items[0]);

     * Get an array of objects that point to this item
     * @param $that the table name to select from
     * @param $id_column the column to select against. Ex: `item_id` thus ` = that.item_id
     * @return an array of rows
    public function many(string $table, string $where_column, $where_value, ?string $class_name = null): array {
        if ($class_name = null)$class_name = $table;
        $id = $this->id;

        $items = $this->query("SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `$where_column` = :value",['value'=>$where_value],$class_name);
        return $items;

     * Execute a stored sql query & return the pdo statement
     * @param $query_key the key that points to the stored query
     * @param $params EXPERIMENTAL key/value array to bind to the query, except it is done via `str_replace(':key', $pdo->quote($value));
     * @return Same as `PDO::exec($query)`;
    public function exec(string $query_key, array $params = []): int|false {
        $query = $this->queries[$query_key];
        // echo "\n\n".$query."\n\n";
        foreach ($params as $key=>$value){
            $query = str_replace(":$key", $this->pdo->quote($value), $query);

        return $this->pdo->exec($query);

    public function get_serial_file_path(string $dir, ?string $file_prefix): string {
        $file_prefix = ($file_prefix == null) ? '' : $file_prefix.'.';
        $serial_file = $dir.'/'.$file_prefix.'queries';
        return $serial_file;

     * Check mtime of serialized file and delete it if
     * @param $dir
    public function check_serialized_file(string $dir, ?string $file_prefix = ''){
        $file_path = $this->get_serial_file_path($dir, $file_prefix);

        if (!file_exists($file_path))return;
        $serial_mtime = filemtime($file_path);
        $dir = dirname($file_path);
        // var_dump($dir);
        // var_dump($serial_mtime);
        foreach (scandir($dir) as $file){
            if (is_dir($dir.'/'.$file))continue;
            // echo 'checked!';
            // var_dump($dir.'/'.$file);
            if (filemtime($dir.'/'.$file) > $serial_mtime) goto delete;


     * Loads queries from a file containing a serialized array. If the serialized file does not exist, `$dir` will be scanned, queries built, and the file will be created. There is no cache invalidation, so delete the serialized file to regenerate.
     * @param $dir a directory containing `.sql` files with the LilSql formatting
     * @param $namespace file prefix for query files. Ex: pass `"form"` to load files like `"form.create.sql"` and `form.query.sql`
    public function load_queries(string $dir, string $file_prefix = '', string $query_key_prefix = ''){

        $serial_file = $this->get_serial_file_path($dir, $file_prefix);
        $prefix = $query_key_prefix == null ? '' : $query_key_prefix .'.';
        if (file_exists($serial_file)){
            $this->queries = array_merge(
        $ls = new \Tlf\LilSql();
        $ls->load_files($dir, $prefix);
        if (!file_exists($serial_file)){
            throw new \Exception("Failed to write serialized file '$serial_file'");
        return $this->load_queries($dir, $file_prefix);
